I am working on a longer piece about the election and what it means to fight. Because let’s all be clear: we have the capacity to win this battle against rising fascism, and a Biden presidency opens the door for the Green New Deal, but we need to fight as hard as we can.

As I work to finish this larger essay, I’m thinking about all the tools I can use to keep my spirits up and put myself in the frame of mind to prepare for battle. I find that I don’t want to listen to love songs that are all about surrendering or crush songs that are all about how I wish someone would notice me. I am enjoying listening to soundtracks of shows and movies with big battles.

Here’s a taste of the fight anthems in our house: our faves are Kipo and She-Ra. Kipo is mostly instrumental…

With She-Ra, the theme song is a fast-paced club beat anthem.

But my kid got the whole album and there are a couple slow versions of the same song. The intensity of those songs is particularly suited to the moment right now. It’s like this is the song for the crew of rebels marching toward the battle during the night. The pressure is building.

Here are the lyrics:

We’re warriors
Unstoppable, ooh
We feel the evil coming
And shadows all around
Danger surrounds us, but won’t bring us down
We’re on the edge of greatness
Turning darkness to light
We’re right beside you
Ready to fight
We must be strong (we must be strong)
And we must be brave (we must be brave)
We gotta find every bit of strength
That we have and never let it go
We’re bound to the struggle
With mighty sword and flame
We’ll never fail you
When you call our name
Together we’ll be heroes
Joining forces as one
Strong as the steel we carry
We rise like the sun
We must be strong (we must be strong)
And we must be brave (we must be brave)
We gotta find every bit of strength
That we have and never let it go
We must be strong
‘Cause we’re warriors
We are unstoppable

What are you listening to that puts you in the mood for an important battle? Or what would you like to start listening to? Let us know in the form below! We’ll share some of the best suggestions we get.

Thanks to all that you are doing to fight right now. Every bit helps. And as they say at the end of the She-Ra Warriors song: “We’re gonna win in the end.”