by Angie Powers | Mar 18, 2020 | Uncategorized
Covid 19 — it sounds like a pharmaceutical name. Covid 19, ask your doctor if it’s right for you. Unless you can’t afford a doctor. Then, I guess, ask your friend who is also a vet tech? The thing with Covid 19 is that we can kind of all see it right away...
by Aya de Leon | Mar 17, 2020 | Personal Essays
Our road to the Green New Deal will not be easy. It will require creating deep coalitions between groups of people who have been set up to mistrust each other. Two of these important groups are Blacks and Jews. With Bernie Sanders as our last GND candidate standing,...
by Vijaya Nagarajan | Mar 16, 2020 | Personal Essays
A deep sorrow filled my spirit when Elizabeth Warren dropped out of the Democratic primary. A feeling of almost beens, near haves, what ifs. A severe lack of imagination. I feel a wretchedness of whether it will ever be. A forbidding sense of improbability, an...
by Sally Morton | Mar 13, 2020 | Uncategorized
1) What Climate Change can Teach us about Fighting the Coronavirus 2) The Coronavirus is a Wake-Up Call for Climate Change 3) Where Biden and Sanders Diverge on Climate Change 4) Pakistan’s Women’s March: Shaking patriarchy ‘to its core’ Young...
by Elizabeth Stark | Mar 12, 2020 | Opinion
I admit that electability drove me for much of the run up to the primaries. “Anyone but Trump,” was my motto, and everyone but Trump seemed to be in the running. But the climate crisis had caught my attention. Perhaps it was when my family had to evacuate due to the...
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