Remember this? October 20, 2019:
AFN declares ‘state of emergency’ for climate change
FAIRBANKS — An emotional dispute over climate change and resource development divided the Alaska Federation convention floor for an hour on Saturday, but in the end, AFN approved a resolution that declared a climate change emergency. READ MORE
March 2, 2020:
A Trump Insider Embeds Climate Denial in Scientific Research
An official at the Interior Department embarked on a campaign that has inserted misleading language about climate change — including debunked claims that increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is beneficial — into the agency’s scientific reports, according to documents reviewed by The New York Times. READ MORE
Feb 27, 2020:
Broadcast news networks paid more attention to climate change in 2019
Protests and fires spurred a big bump in climate coverage
Coverage of climate change on network news programs was up 68 percent in 2019 after a dip in 2018, according to an annual study by the nonprofit watchdog group Media Matters for America. But even though broadcast TV networks spent more time talking about climate change, they didn’t interview very many scientists, women, or people of color. Just 10 percent of guests were people of color, 27 percent were women, and 22 percent were scientists. READ MORE
Feb. 24, 2020:
Can Corporations Stop Climate Change?
The Daily, a podcast hosted by Michael Barbaro, produced by Michael Simon Johnson, Eric Krupke and Lynsea Garrison, and edited by Larissa Anderson and Paige Cowett
One letter to executives around the world has prioritized climate change on corporate agendas. But will this make a difference without government regulation? LISTEN HERE
February 27, 2020:
Democratic Primary Voters Increasingly Worried About Climate Change
Young people have gotten a lot of media attention for their climate activism. But they’re just one face of a voting block that has grown more worried since the Trump administration pulled out of the Paris climate agreement and began rolling back environmental protections. READ MORE OR LISTEN HERE
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